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A Stroke of Magic: The Dinosaur Woman

Ella and Alex are Italian American twins living in Florida. They often go to Discovery Casa, a retirement home where their mother works as a nurse. One day, they meet Layla, a six-year-old Afro-Panamanian girl who goes to Discovery Casa to visit her Abuelita, who tells the three friends that there is a new resident named Art—but nobody knows anything about him. Curious, Ella, Alex, and Layla go on a mission to find out who he is and they soon discover that he is an artist who painted a rather unusual and, at first glance, incorrect painting: three dinosaurs on a beach, with a woman in the background. What is a woman doing among dinosaurs?

Follow Ella, Alex, and Layla through Brunella Costagliola’s first children’s series, A Stroke of Magic, as they journey through history to meet pivotal figures history has forgotten, all with the help of a magic paintbrush.

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A Stroke of Magic: The Dinosaur Woman

Ella and Alex are Italian American twins living in Florida. They often go to Discovery Casa, a retirement home where their mother works as a nurse. One day, they meet Layla, a six-year-old Afro-Panamanian girl who goes to Discovery Casa to visit her Abuelita, who tells the three friends that there is a new resident named Art—but nobody knows anything about him. Curious, Ella, Alex, and Layla go on a mission to find out who he is and they soon discover that he is an artist who painted a rather unusual and, at first glance, incorrect painting: three dinosaurs on a beach, with a woman in the background. What is a woman doing among dinosaurs?

Follow Ella, Alex, and Layla through Brunella Costagliola’s first children’s series, A Stroke of Magic, as they journey through history to meet pivotal figures history has forgotten, all with the help of a magic paintbrush.

A Stroke of Magic: The Last Hawaiian Princess

Spending time at Discovery Casa is always an adventure! Just ask Italian American twins Alex and Ella, and their Afro Panamanian friend Layla. The three friends are happy to be together again and even happier when they discover that the retirement home’s most talented artist, Art, has a new painting to show them.

Join Alex, Ella, and Layla as they travel to Hawai’i to discover the truth about Princess Ka’iulani, the last Hawaiian Princess, and her efforts to preserve Hawaiian language and culture.

Purchase The Italian Versions

Una Pennellata di Magia: La Donna dei Dinosauri

Con una pennellata di magia, Alex, Ella e Layla saltano in un dipinto e viaggiano indietro nel tempo per scoprire la verità su un personaggio storico.Questo libro presenta la figura storica di Mary Anning, la paleontologa le cui scoperte nella Jurassic Coast britannica hanno contribuito alla teoria dell’evoluzione proposta da Charles Darwin e rivelato segreti sui dinosauri. Tuttavia, molte delle sue scoperte sono state ingiustamente accreditate a paleontologi uomini a causa del suo essere donna e, di conseguenza, la storia ha trascurato il suo ruolo pionieristico.

Una Pennellata di Magia: L’Ultima Principessa Hawaiana

Le giornate trascorse a Discovery Casa sono sempre un’ avventura! Basta chiedere ai gemelli Italo-Americani Alex ed Ella e alla loro amica Afro-Panamense Layla. I tre amici sono felici di essere di nuovo insieme e ancora più felici quando scoprono che l’artista più talentuoso della casa di riposo, Art, ha lavorato ad un nuovo dipinto. Bello ed enigmatico, il dipinto mostra una donna su una spiaggia con un pavone al suo fianco. Con l’aiuto di Emet, il pennello magico, i tre amici saltano nel dipinto e viaggiano indietro nel tempo fino al Regno delle Hawai’i, dove incontrano la principessa Ka’iulani. La principessa insegna loro come fare una lei, ballare l’hula e l’importanza di preservare la propria cultura e lingua.